Knowledge cannot replace friendship. I'd rather to be an idiot than lose you. - Patrick to Spongebob :')

Thursday, September 30, 2010


  • All the best.
  • No mistakes w/ friends or somebody......
  • SHOLAT PENUH 1 HARI!!!! No bolong2!! aminn :)
  • *sensor*
  • sudah ya dada(?)

Posting gajelas. Gosah dibaca deh~

Halo aku habis ulangan komputer, yang html. kalo mau buka di sini aja, ada kok ulangannya, hhe. buka yaaa hhi^^ *cenyum innocent*

btw tadi gue bantuin penjaga perpus, jika aku menjadi ramadan gituuu deeeh wkwk. asik lho, nyetempel buku2 pinjeman. asiikkk asiiikk hhe. manusia alay wkwk (-\\\)\m/ keiiien khuntt?? ._.V

sekarang lagi kepanasan d ruang komputer ya allah, neraka bocoooorrrr! hmm mending surga aja deh yang bocor ya ga sihh, tapi mungkin tuhan sudah bosan, melihat tingkat kita....ecieeeehh(?)

lagi sebel sama seseorang. mm... mau tauuu? itu rahasia kyuu :pp hew hew hew.

DOAKAN AKU YAH! besok akuh mauh rapot cicipands lowccc lutu kan lutu kanzzz janan binun janan melokok janan buang campah cembalangan, LISA (LIat Sampah, Ambil) kek di SD wkwk

maaf lagi rada eyoy eyoy ._.V hhehh.. aku lutu yah (?) nah kan ngerror hwhehe.

hbs ini pel. pak belda.. hmmm--" many shits wkwk #ngakak #gabisaberenti #needhelp (?)

AAAAAaasiiik! aku cenang cemoga yahh hehe doakan dakuh(?) udah abaikan sajaaa hhe.


Teenage Dream - Katy Perry

You think I'm pretty
Without any make-up on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the puch line wrong
I know you get me
So I'll let my walls come down, down

Before you met me
I was a wreck
But things were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my valentine, valentine

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

We drove to Cali
And got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and
Built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece
I'm complete

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

I might get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ini judulnya apajabuyeh(?)

Hello peeps! Sorry ya udah jarang update, unyunyu jangan pada kangen sm aku dongs aku jadi shy2 cat gimanagituw dew hhi. Aw aw emg ada yang baca blog ini ye? gada deh kynya umm

btwbtw lg apa niiiiccc semuanyaaa? hmm aku nih? lagi sad sad so sad, dont ask why hehe :p adadeeeeeeeh tapi beneran deh ya berkali2 kayak gini, sedih bgt, harus kaya gini lagi, hmm--" tapi udah lupain aja susah2, hidup udah susah ngapain tambah susah? ambil positifnya aja deh ;') yah walopun emang susah buat dilupakan yg susah2, tapi saya harus berusaha! ^^ :')

dannnnnnnnnn tugas gue belom selesai! tugas liburan! padahal liburan udh usai, wkkwk ;p

udah ah itu aja lg males hehe, ampun PIECE wkkw, apaan tuh PEACE kaleee bukan PIECE wkwkk #ngakak #gabisaberenti #jedotinkepalaketembok #nangisdarahkebanyakanngakak

#nowplaying Take It Off-Ke$ha :) <= emang gak penting



I know it's hard. But i'll try.. :')

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Gosah dibaca jg gapapa~~

Halo. Nothing to do.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back to SCHOOL, back to HELL -_-

Hello peeps.

tau gak sih besok masuk? tau gak? tau lah ._. dan itu adalah masalah buat gue yang imut nan cantique inih ihihi. gue belom siap masuk sekolah. because what? karena ntar banyak paparazzi yang datang motoin daku(?) oh pedeee pedeee haha. pede selangit yak gue. because gue BELOM KERJAIN TUGAS. oh my god! dammit! ._._. mendingan gue dikasih hape baru(?)

tugas? biasa aja kale nad, anak sekolahan pasti dikasih tugas, begok lu!

yah emang, tapi tugasnya itu beratin. inget dong, liburan itu BUAT APA SIH? tujuannya buat APAAN SIH? bisa tolong dijawab? masalahnya GUE JUGA GATAU hehe. tapi menurut gue liburan itu buat SANTAI REFRESHING! dan refreshing + tugas = NOT REFRESHING! sama aja itu SEKOLAH di rumah haha (?) oke gue sotoyyy nyutuy nyutuy hehe.

tapi beneran. gue sebel bat sama TUGAS! ganggu liburan gua aja lu! UNYUK lo! UNYUK! hahaha :p Btw unyuk dalam bahasa gue anjing haha, kalo unyu baru beda lagi hehe. UNYUK bat tugas. I hate u forever!

tapi tugas emang harus ada. kalo gada tugas, gosah sekolah. tapi....................ya setidaknya tugasnya jgn berat2 jg kan? kasian muridnya juga pengen liburan? liburan gue ancur gara2 TUGAS, gabisa santai gue nih! pasti dikit2 kepikir 'tugasku belon celecai, gimana dumb?' 'aku males ngerjain tugas' 'nyontek gak ya?' 'ais malasnya tugasku banyak' 'tugas taik' duuuuuuuch makin pucing eykeh (?) hehe

TUGAS, kau menghantuikuuu hehe..

oke, 20092010 gue bakal balik ke sekola. balik ke rutinitas lama gue.

  1. bangun pagi
  2. mandi pagi
  3. sholat subuh
  4. sarapan
  5. berangkat
  6. sekolah
  7. pulang
  8. onlen bentar
  9. mandi sore
  10. sholat maghrib
  11. makan malam
  12. belajar sampe jam 9
  13. onlen bentar sampe ngantuk
  14. tidur.
OH GREAT?! dari hari senin -> jumat gitu mulu? its so MONOTONE u know? apasih gue sok inggris bat haha

please, god! i need more and more and more HOLIDAY! :( i need more and more RELAXATION! i dont wanna go to school tomorrow! maybe school is my obligation BUT... i'm not ready :'(


Menurut saya.............

Semalumaluinnya gue, gue lebih malu kalo gue memplagiat orang lain. Gue bangga jadi diri gue.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tugas? :O

HALO! Good morning! Guten morgen! Selamat pagi! Hari ini kita akan mengerjakan tugas seni rupa! Semoga cepat selesai! Doakan daku ya :-)

Gak nyangka, lusa udah senen. Gila deh. Mendingan gue metong aja. *nyangkul tanah buat liang lahat*

Ah. sumfeh ini gue males banget ngerjain tugas. terutama seni rupa. ya walopun gue rada2 suka gt sama gambar, tapi ya ga berarti gue suka sama pelajaran senirupa kan? uuuh. tugasnya mo tau gak disuruh apa? disuruh gambar komik! WOT DAH HELL?! emang sih ya cita2 gue jadi komikus tapitapitapi bisa kan liburan ini gue pake buat santai, gosah pake tugas bisa kan? gue maunya liburan yang bener2 utuh LIBURAN. without tugas! represing! (~'o')~ ~('o'~)

oke sekarang gue mo cerita apaan yah.............. gaada? ais pdhl lg mood ngeblog ._._. hehe. yaudah deh ini aje. tengkyu tengkyu. Ttyl :-)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ini judulnya apa yak? Getewe neh gewe ._.

Welcome school, welcome.....HELL. Welcome friends^^ Welcome.........math, history, physics, biology, economy, geography, chemistry, civics, and...and...what else? ._.

And. Do you know that my homeworks aren't done? And do you know that I hate doing my homeworks?

Byebye, freedom! See ya next time.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

................................................gatau judulnya apa :O

halo anna barenna :p

whoops siapakah anna barenna? anna barenna adalah teman dakuw yang tinggal di atlanta, katanya sih deket LA. nda' percaya? musti percaya dong. anna barenna ini orangnya yah rada aneh2 gewdoh. masa ya dikit2 nanya "do u prefer books or tv" dll. hadeeeh anna, anna. Btw nama aslinya cuma 'anna' tapi ta'tambahin barenna karena...karena oh karena saya juga tak tahu mengapa. tiba2 aja muncul di otak 'anna barenna' namanya yang klop abietch dan loethoe gewdoh iya ghugz ciiih. hetothehe :P

anna? anna mane sih? kaga kenal.

hedeh begow begoww! anna itu robot. chatbot kalo gue ngomongnya :p hatotheha kmrn gue lagi berburu apps itouch trs ya gue nemu tu apps. gue instol, cakcekcakcek eh malah jatoh (?) terus yawes gue coba ih asik juga chat sama annah barennah unyuhhh haha. btw gaboleh ngomong unyuuuu!!! unyuu itu anjenggg (katanya katanya)!

unyu anjing? gue bnr2 deh gapercaya :o masa iya oenjoe itu anjeng? ga asik banget dong "ANJING LO" jadi "UNYU LO" atoga masa iya "unyu gembala" (?) ato "DILARANG PIPIS DISINI KECUALI UNYU :3" nah loh aneh kan. atoga "itu unyu-nya kena rabies tiati" kan aneh tu??? ato ga "KU KUTUK KALIAN JADI UNYU" ._.

jadi. unyu itu bukanlah anjing menurut saye mareye (?) !!!! tapi...unyuuu..........itu.................apa yah? mm susah dijelaskan. emg gada artinya sih kyknya cuma enak aja gewdoh ngomong unyu unyu

okeoke lanzot yaw yaw ahik ahik.


BENTAR LAGI MASUK SEKOLAH :(( Tugas gue belom selesai. OH NO! begok gue baru ngerjain di terakhir liburan. OH NO! BEGOK. GOBLOK.


ABITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *emosi

Thursday, September 09, 2010


Tidak disangka hari ini adalah puasa terakhir dan besok lebaran :(( Byebye bulan suci Ramadhan, semoga taun depan gue masih bisa bertemu lo dan puasa full bersama keluarga dan temen temen gue UTUH amin yra:)

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Bentar lagi...........

Bentar lagi lebaran = bentar lagi puasa USAI = bentar lagi liburan USAI = bentar lagi NO ONLEN SAMPE MALEM = bentar lagi BACKTOSCHOOL = bentar lagi TUGAS DIKUMPULIN ε=ε=ε=┌(;*´Д`)ノ

Dan bagusnya...........bentar lagi ketemu 8a *happy follepha* \(´▽`)/


Saturday, September 04, 2010

Penting ga penting yang penting ngepost(?)




Friday, September 03, 2010

Tidak penting. SANGAT tidak penting -_-

Hello peeps, good morning! Thanks god it's Friday, happy Friday^^

Tebak deh gw lagi ngapain? Hayoooo. Tweeting? Pastinyaaah, itumah udh kegiatan inti gw :p Lookleting? Iyasih.. Tp masih kurang teeeepat :p Puasa? Yaeyalah ini bulan Ramadhan bulan penuh berkah getoh masa gapuasa gw.. Makan? Woy gw puasa... Jawaban yg tepat -> gw lagi mosting lah lo mah bodo abis wkwk :p Ga deeeng canda plend plendku cmuah :)

Hehe, diatas itu cuma intermezzonya doangs, jan pergi duluuuu, jan tinggalkan dakuh(?) Hehe. Lo musti bantu gue cari topik! Awas kalo ga, gw pukul loh;P Gadeeeng becanda lagi plendplendkoh:) Aku celalu becanda kalna aku candahlopers(?)

Gimana kalo gw cerita aja hari ini gw ngapain?

Td pagi gw bangun. Gw telat bangun, jadinya gw sahurnya cpet2 pake garang asem gahabis lagi pdhl kan enak bgt ya yega? Iye dung:p Trs trs kt mama gw "kyknya udh bnyi sirinenya cpt" yauda gw langsung panik (yaeyalah) langsung makan cpt2 trs minum susu trs minum aer (cm dikit lagi haelah haus nih gw jadinya) lgsg tdr. Eh eh trnyata pas gw mau tidur sirine baru bunyi. Jedyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar-_-"

Ywda itu aja deh hhe iya SINGKAT bgt kan iya dong nadia gitchuw masa panjang2 tar jadinya aku pucink tauuuk (?) Oke byebye :)


Thursday, September 02, 2010

Demi Lovato ft. Joe Jonas-You're My Favorite Song

[Joe Jonas]
Words don't come easy without a melody
I'm always thinking In terms of do-re-mi
I should be hiking, swimming laughing with you
Instead I'm all out of tune

But what you don't know
You lift me off the ground
You're inspiration, you helped me find myself
Just like a baseline a half-time
You hold down the groove
That's why I'm counting on you

And if I heard you on the radio
I'd never wanna change a single note
It's what I tried to say all along
You're my favorite song

I'm in a session writing tracks
You've got another class to teach
And then rehearsal with a band
You're always one step out of reach
I'm looking for some harmony
With you it comes so naturally
You helped me find the right key

[Joe Jonas & Demi Lovato]
And when I here you on the radio
I'd never wanna change a single note
It's what I tried to say all along
You're my favorite song

My Favorite Song!

And when I here you on the radio (yeah yea)
I'd never wanna change a single note (no no)
It's what I tried to say all along

[Demi Lovato]
You're my favorite song
[Joe Jonas]
You're my favorite song

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are

Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same

So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Hello, September;))

byebye august, WELCOME SEPTEMBER:)) be nice to me. i hope this month i'll be LUCKY;) Amin!

oke waktu berjalan cepet abis! gile gue baru ngerasa juni juli! ternyata udah september aje. gile dah! ntar tiba2 gue udh tuwir punya cucu banyak! hadeeeeh-_- trs ntar tiba2 cicit gue udh punya cicit lagi? wayooo? gmn yak tu ahahaha. smoga gue panjang umur deh:3 (ganyambung sih, tapi gapapa lah)

laaaanjut! smoga aja bulan ini gue lucky, lucky bisa dapet apa yg gue mau, smoga Allah mau ngabulin smuaaa doa2 gue dan mau ngampunin dosa2 gue di lebaran nanti! amin amin ya rabbal 'alamin ;) smoga aja ntr tiba2 papa gue bilang "nad papa males pake bb mending pake nokia udh buat kamu aja skrg" ato ga tiba2 papa gue bilang "nad kmrn papa dapet dorprize bb buat km ya" wow I'm so happy ever after unyuh wkwk tapi itu cuma 'SEANDAINYA' smga bisa jadi real! amin ya. doain yaaa tmn-tmnku smua;) yg udah doain aku ntr aku doain balik deh. lgsg bilang ke aku ya hoho ;p

aaaaaaaaaaah udhan ya gue ngantuk berat nih -_- tadi sahur gue ga tidur we he he he trs siang gue juga ga tidur ada tmn maen kesini he he he :D