Knowledge cannot replace friendship. I'd rather to be an idiot than lose you. - Patrick to Spongebob :')

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dear My Family

When I can't find anywhere to stand
When I am lost in the storm
I thank those people
Who gave unchanging love and encouragement

Sometimes I felt I was alone
Looking back at my past with all the tears
How I hurt you and made you suffer
I finally realize that now

Until my life ends, until this world comes to an end
We will forever be together

Just like small hearts add up to a big effort
I believe that we are one
Let's make happiness together
Until we become the light of this dry world
I love you

Are you dreaming the same dream with me?
Are you really looking the same way as me?
Only that can heal the painful bruises of this world
If we can only cherish each other

Until my life ends, until this world comes to an end
We will forever be together

Just like small hearts add up to a big effort
I believe that we are one
Let's make happiness together
Until we become the light of this dry world
I love you

If there are people in despair before us
We have to give them strength to get back up
They need the helping hand of a family like me

Just like small hearts add up to a big effort
I believe that we are one
Let's make happiness together
Until we become the light of this dry world
I love you


liriknya beda sm di gambar mehehe, beda website. tp samaajalah. hehe. fyi, gambarnya gif lho.

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